Make your own Arduino motion sensor / detector. Maybe you want something to happen when you walk into a room, like have the lights turn on, or have your theme song play whenever you enter. This tutorial will show you how to get your to Arduino sense motion around it. Software used in this tutorial can be downloaded here: Arduino Motion Detector Software Example Hardware used in this tutorial: Motion Sensor for Arduino, with wire jumpers Arduino board (Uno, Mega, Duemilanove, etc.) Instructions: ----- If this is your first Arduino project, first go through our “Arduino: Getting Started” tutorial. ----- Connections: Use the supplied male to female jumpers to make these connections: Motion Detector Pin | Arduino Pin
| "-" | GND | "Out" | Arduino Pin 2
| "+" | +5v |
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Here is the front view of the module:  Software: Download the example motion sensor for Arduino software here, and unzip the file. You will now have a folder called “motion_sensor_for_arduino” Start the Arduino software and load the Arduino Motion Sensor example program by clicking File->Sketchbook->Open Navigate to the motion_sensor_for_arduino folder and select the “motion_sensor_for_arduino.pde” file. Transfer the Arduino Motion Sensor program to your Arduino board by clicking the “Upload to I/O board” button. After uploading, you should see the LED on the Arduino board light up whenever there is motion detected. It is that simple to add motion detection to your Arduino project. Remember, it takes about 60 seconds after you first power up the motion sensor before it stars to detect motion. You can adjust the amount of time that the motion detector lights the Arduino LED by adjusting the potentiometer screw on the back of the motion sensor module:
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