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Current Sensor 30 Amp
Current Sensor 30 Amp

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Arduino Pro

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Seeeduino Mega

Breadboards feed

A breadboard (solderless breadboard, protoboard, plugboard) is a reusable solderless device used to build a (generally temporary) prototype of an electronic circuit and for experimenting with circuit designs. This is in contrast to stripboard (veroboard) and similar prototyping printed circuit boards, which are used to build more permanent prototypes or one-offs, and cannot easily be reused. A variety of electronic systems may be prototyped by using breadboards, from small circuits to complete central processing units (CPUs).

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Solderless Breadboard 2.13" X 6.5"

Solderless Breadboard ROHS compliant
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Small Solderless Breadboard

Small Solderless Breadboard, choose your color. This breadboard is nice for quick, small circuits, and can fit in small places. Sticky back for mounting.
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Prototyping Shield for Arduino

Prototyping shield for Arduino. This prototyping shield for Arduino comes fully assembled, and includes a solderless breadboard, a large prototyping area, and an SOIC pad for up to 14-pin SOIC chip.
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Proto Shield for Arduino Mega

Prototyping shield for Arduino Mega. This prototyping shield for Arduino Mega comes fully assembled, and includes a large prototyping area, plus an SOIC pad for a surface mount chip with up to 26 pins.
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Screw Shield for Arduino

Screw terminal + prototyping shield for Arduino. This Arduino shield combines the benefits of both the prototyping shield and screw terminal shield in one. This shield comes fully assembled.
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